داستان کوتاه در مورد یک پسر بچه


متن زیر یک داستان کوتاه در مورد یک پسر بچه باهوش اما بازیگوش است که توسط تیم انگلیش توسکا برای شما آماده شده است. در این متن با کلمات و اصطلاحاتی آشنا خواهید شد که آن‌ها را به همراه معنی و ترجمه لیست کرده‌ایم.

به علاوه اگر بازهم در فهم متن و پاسخ دادن به سوالات بخش آزمون دچار مشکل شدید، در قسمت دانلود می‌توانید جزوه را دانلود کنید و ترجمه متن به همراه پاسخنامه را در آن مشاهده کنید.

وبسایت انگلیش توسکا در بخش‌های مهارت‌ها و گرامر این آزمون‌ها را قرار داده تا شما بتوانید خود را محک بزنید. 

موفق باشید!


Short Story About A Hot-headed Boy

In a very small and remote high school, there is a student named Sebastian. He is an intelligent but hot-headed boy with good grades and good friends. He is also very neat. He always wakes up at 6:30 and gets ready to go to school at 6:45. On his way to school, he stops by a bakery to buy 2 muffins, one for himself and one for his best friend, Jaime. One day, after he arrived at the school, his friend Jamie told him “DUDE! The principal is FURIOUS this morning! He told me ‘I am going to kill Sebastian when I see him!’. You should go to his office before he calls your parents. What did you do this time, Seb?”. “Wait, what? Seriously?” said Sebastian. “I should go see him, fast. I don’t care if he actually kills me, but if he calls my mom, I am dead. For real!”. So, he hurried upstairs and saw the principal standing in the hallway. “Good morning Mr. Peters, is everything ok?” said Sebastian. “SEB! Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for an hour!” said the principal. “But the class starts at 8. I’m 15 minutes early! I am usually even earlier than you, sir! Is that why you are mad at me?” said Sebastian. “Don’t talk back to me young man! Do you want to tell me why you did it?” Mr. Peters asked. “Did what?” Sebastian answered. “You know Sebastian,” Mr. Peters explained, “You are a good kid. You always pass your tests with flying colors, but you can be such a troublemaker sometimes. Why did you punch Patrick?”. Sebastian answered, “It wasn’t my fault sir! He was insulting me and my friend! And he always bothers me in class. He is upset because I don’t help him cheat on tests!”. The principal said, “I will deal with him later, but you need to watch your behavior. This is your last warning Seb. Next time I hear you got into another fight, I will tell your mother.”

Sebastian was terrified of his mother. So, he promised to be a good boy. The next time he saw Patrick, he didn’t even look at him. He decided to work on his behavior and after a few months, he turned into a calm and collected person. Nowadays, he is only focused on his tests. He wants to be a doctor in the future.

لیست لغات

دوردست “Far away from populated places.” (adjective) Remote
تند مزاج “Someone who gets angry very quickly.” (adjective) Hot-headed
نانوایی یا شیرینی پزی “A place where bread and cake are made and sold.” (noun) Bakery
یک نوع کیک شبیه کیک یزدی خودمان “a small and sweet cake that sometimes has pieces of fruit in it.” (noun) Muffin
رفیق, داداش… “A very informal way to address a man who’s usually one’s friend.” (noun) Dude
مدیر یا معاون مدرسه “Someone who is in charge of a school.” (noun)  Principal
خیلی عصبانی “Very angry.” (adjective) Furious
عجله کردن “To do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual because there is no time.” (verb) Hurry
حرف زدن به روش گستاخانه‌ای به کسی که از شما رده بالاتری دارد, مثلا معلم یا رئیس شما “To answer someone in authority usually a teacher or boss in a rude way.” (verb) Talkback
موفق شدن در کاری به بهترین شکل ممکن “To achieve/pass something in an extremely successful way.” (idiom) Pass sth with flying colors
دردسر ساز “A person who always makes trouble.” (noun)  Troublemaker
هشدار, اخطار “A statement telling someone that if they don’t stop what they are doing, something bad will happen to them.” (noun) Warning
آرام و آسوده “Very relaxed and quiet and not bothered by anything.” (adjective) Calm and collected

.Definitions are taken from lexico.com

0 رای, 0 میانگین

a hot-headed boy

با توجه به متن بالا، به سوالات پاسخ دهید.

1 / 8

....Seb used to be rash, but now he is

2 / 8

. ………… Patrick always annoys Seb and his friend because

3 / 8

.Seb was very ………. the principal

4 / 8

.Seb ………. his mom

5 / 8

.The principal was ………. Seb this morning

6 / 8

.Jaime had some ………. news for Seb

7 / 8

:Sebastian is an early bird. The meaning of this word is

8 / 8

.Sebastian is a smart, angry and ………. guy

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